Lendner, J.D., Jack J Lin, Larsson, P.G. and Helfrich, R.F., “Multiple intrinsic timescales govern distinct brain states in human sleep“, Journal of Neuroscience, 44(42), 2024. [Paper]
Hahn, M.A., Lendner, J.D., Anwander, M., Slama, K.S., Knight, R.T., Jack J Lin, and Helfrich, R.F., “A tradeoff between efficiency and robustness in the hippocampal-neocortical memory network during human and rodent sleep“, Progress in Neurobiology, 2024. [Paper]
Goudar, V., Kim, J.W., Liu, Y., Dede, A.J., Jutras, M.J., Skelin, I., Ruvalcaba, M., Chang, W., Ram, B., Fairhall, A.L. and Jack J Lin, “A comparison of rapid rule-learning strategies in humans and monkeys“, Journal of Neuroscience, 2024. [Paper]
Mendoza, T., Trevino, C.L., Shrey, D.W., Jack J Lin, Sen-Gupta, I. and Lopour, B.A., “Optimizing automated detection of high frequency oscillations using visual markings does not improve SOZ localization“, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2024. [Paper]
Blenkmann, A.O., Leske, S.L., Llorens, A., Jack J Lin,, Chang, E.F., Brunner, P., Schalk, G., Ivanovic, J., Larsson, P.G., Knight, R.T. and Endestad, T., “Anatomical registration of intracranial electrodes. Robust model-based localization and deformable smooth brain-shift compensation methods“, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 404, p.110056, 2024. [Paper]
Tzovara, A., Fedele, T., Sarnthein, J., Ledergerber, D., Jack J. Lin, and Knight, R.T. “Predictable and unpredictable deviance detection in the human hippocampus and amygdala“, Cerebral Cortex, 34(2), p.bhad532, 2024. [Paper]
Zhang, H., Skelin, I., Ma, S., Paff, M., Mnatsakanyan, L., Yassa, M.A., Knight, R.T. and Jack J. Lin, “Awake ripples enhance emotional memory encoding in the human brain“, Nature Communications, 15(1), p.215, 2024. [Paper]
Blenkmann AO, Leske SL, Llorens A, Jack J. Lin, Chang EF, Brunner P, Schalk G, Ivanovic J, Larsson PG, Knight RT, Endestad T, and Solbakk AK., “Anatomical registration of intracranial electrodes. Robust model-based localization and deformable smooth brain-shift compensation methods“, J Neurosci Methods. 2024 Apr; 404:110056. [Paper]
2023 —–
Gattas, S., Larson, M.S., Mnatsakanyan, L., Sen-Gupta, I., Vadera, S., Swindlehurst, A.L., Rapp, P.E., Jack J. Lin, and Yassa, M.A., “Theta mediated dynamics of human hippocampal-neocortical learning systems in memory formation and retrieval“, Nature Communications, 14(1), p.8505. [Paper]
Hoy CW Quiroga-Martinez, Sandoval, E, King- Stephens D, Laxer KD, Weber, P, Jack J. Lin, and Knight RT, “Asymmetric coding of reward prediction errors in human insula and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex“, Nature Communications, 14, 8520 (2023) [Top 25 Social Science and Human Behavior Article in Nature Communication]. [Paper]
Llorens A, Bellier L, Blenkmann AO, Ivanovic J, Larsson PG, Jack J. Lin, Endestad T, Solbakk AK, and Knight RT, “Decision and response monitoring during working memory are sequentially represented in the human insula“, iScience. 2023 Oct 20;26(10):107653. [Paper]
Lendner JD, Niethard N, Mander BA, van Schalkwijk FJ, Schuh-Hofer S, Schmidt H, Knight RT, Born J, Walker MP, Jack J. Lin, and Helfrich RF, “Human REM sleep recalibrates neural activity in support of memory formation“, Science Advances. 2023 Aug 25;9(34):eadj1895. [Paper]
Marciano D, Staveland BR, Jack J. Lin, Saez I, Hsu M, and Knight RT, “Electrophysiological signatures of inequity-dependent reward encoding in the human OFC“, Cell Rep. 2023 Jul 25;42(8):112865. [Paper]
Van Schalkwijk FJ, Weber J, Hahn MA, Lendner JD, Inostroza M, Jack J. Lin, and Helfrich RF, “An evolutionary conserved division-of-labor between archicortical and neocortical ripples organizes information transfer during sleep“, Progress in Neurobiology. 2023 Aug; 227:102485.[Paper]
Jafarpour A, Jack J. Lin, Knight RT, and Buffalo EA., “Multiple memory systems for efficient temporal order memory“, Hippocampus. 2023 Jun 26. [Paper]
Johnson EL, Jack J. Lin, King-Stephens D, Weber PB, Laxer KD, Saez I, Girgis F, D’Esposito M, Knight RT, Badre D., “A rapid theta network mechanism for flexible information encoding“, Nature Communications. 2023 May 19;14(1):2872. ([Paper]
Dreyer AM, Michalke L, Perry A, Chang EF, Jack J. Lin, Knight RT, and Rieger JW., “Grasp-specific high-frequency broadband mirror neuron activity during reach-and-grasp movements in humans“, Cereb Cortex. 2022 Dec 23:bhac504. [Paper]
Merrick CM, Dixon TC, Breska A, Jack J. Lin,Chang EF, King-Stephens D, Laxer KD, Weber PB, Carmena J, Thomas Knight R, Ivry RB., “Left hemisphere dominance for bilateral kinematic encoding in the human brain“, Elife. 2022 Mar 1;11:e69977. [Paper]
Liu, A.A., Henin, S., Abbaspoor, S. et al., “A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations“, Nat Commun 13, 6000 (2022). [Paper]
Zheng J, Skelin I, Jack J. Lin, “Neural computations underlying contextual processing in humans“, Cell Rep. 2022 Sep 20;40(12):111395. [Paper]
Johnson EL, Chang WK, Dewar CD, Sorensen D, Jack J. Lin, Solbakk AK, Endestad T, Larsson PG, Ivanovic J, Meling TR, Scabini D, Knight RT., “Orbitofrontal cortex governs working memory for temporal order“, Curr Biol. 2022 May 9;32(9):R410-R411. [Paper]
Nunez MD, Charupanit K, Sen-Gupta I, Lopour BA, and Jack J. Lin, “Beyond rates: Time-varying dynamics of high frequency oscillations as a biomarker of the seizure onset zone“, J Neural Eng. 2022 Feb 4. [Paper]
Elmalaki S, Demirel BU, Taherisadr M, Stern-Nezer S, Jack J. Lin, and Al Faruque MA, “Towards Internet-of-Things for Wearable Neurotechnology“, 2021 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2021, pp. 559-565. [Paper]
Llorens A, Tzovara A, Bellier L, Bhaya-Grossman I, Bidet-Caulet A, Chang WK, Cross ZR, Dominguez-Faus R, FlinkerA, Fonke Y, Gorenstein MA, Holdgraf C, Hoy CW, Ivanova MV, Jimenez RT, JunS, Kam JWY, Marcelle E, Martin S, Myers NE, Ojala K, Pinheiro-Chagas P, Ries S, Perrr, A, Saez, I, Skelin I, Slama K, Staveland B, Bassett DS**, Buffalo EA**, Fairhall AL**, Kastner S**, Kopell N J**, Jack J. Lin,**, Nobre AC**, Solbakk AK**, Wallis JD**, Wang XJ**, Yuval-Greenberg S**, Knight RT, Dronkers NF., “Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needed solutions“, Neuron 2021 Jul 7;109(13):2047-2074. [Paper]
Slama S J K, Jimenez R, Saha S, King-Stephens D, Laxer K D, Weber P B, Endestad T, Larsson P G, Solbakk A, Jack J. Lin, and Knight R T., “Intracranial recordings demonstrate medial temporal lobe engagement in visual search in humans“, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2021 Aug 1;33(9):1833- 1861. [Paper]
Skelin I, Zhang H, Zheng J, Ma S, Mander BA, Kim McManus O, Vadera S, Knight RT, McNaughton BL, and Jack J. Lin, “Coupling between slow-waves and sharp-wave ripples engages distributed neural activity during sleep in humans“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2021 May 25;118(21):e2012075118. [Paper]
Kam JWY, Helfrich RF, Solbakk AK, Endestad T, Larsson PG, Jack J. Lin, and Knight RT., “Top-Down Attentional Modulation in Human Frontal Cortex: Differential Engagement during External and Internal Attention“, Cerebral Cortex. 2021 Jan 5;31(2):873-883. [Paper]
Tran DK, Tran DC, Mnatsakayan L, Jack J. Lin, Hsu F, and Vadera S., “Treatment of Multi-Focal Epilepsy With Resective Surgery Plus Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS): One Institution’s Experience“, Front Neurol. 2020 Oct 29;11:545074. [Paper]
Charupanit K, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin*, Lopour BA*., “Amplitude of high frequency oscillations as a biomarker of the seizure onset zone“, Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Nov;131(11):2542-2550. [Paper]
Lendner, JD, Helfrich, RF, Mander, MA, Romunstad, L., Jack J. Lin, Walker, MP, Larsson, PG and Knight, RT*., “An electrophysiological marker of arousal level in humans“, eLife 2020;9:e55092. Published 2020 Jul 28. [Paper]
Charupanit K, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin,*, and Lopour BA*., “Detection of anomalous high-frequency events in human intracranial EEG“, Epilepsia Open. 2020;5(2):263-273. ([Paper]
Tran DK, Paff M, Mnatsakanyan L, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin Hsu FPK, and Vadera S. , “A Novel Robotic-Assisted Technique to Implant the Responsive Neurostimulation System“, Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2019 Sep 19. [Paper]
Kam JWY, Jack J. Lin Solbakk AK, Endestad T, Larsson PG, and Knight RT., “Default network and frontoparietal control network theta connectivity supports internal attention“, Nature Human Behavior. 2019 Sep 2. [Paper]
Helfrich RF, Lendner JD, Mander BA, Guillen H, Paff M, Mnatsakanyan L, Vadera S, Walker MP, Jack J. Lin*, Knight RT., “Bidirectional prefrontal-hippocampal dynamics organize information transfer during sleep in humans“, Nature Communications. 2019 Aug 8;10(1):3572. [Paper]
Zheng J, Stevenson R, Mnatsakanyan, L, Vadera S, Hsu FPK, Knight RT, Yassa MA, and Jack J. Lin, “Multiplexing of Theta and Alpha Rhythms in the Amygdala-Hippocampal Circuit Supports Pattern Separation of Emotional Information“, Neuron 2019 May 22;102(4):887-898.e5 PubMed PMID: 30979537. (IF=17.17) a. Selected for highlight in Neuron Preview – Mattar MG, Talmi D. Patterns of Neural Oscillations in Emotional Memory Discrimination. Neuron. 2019 May 22;102(4):715-717. [Paper]
Garcia-Ramos, C, DabbsK, Jack J. LinJones, JE, Stafstrom CE, Hsu, DA, Meyerand ME , Prabhakaran V, Hermann BP. , “Progressive Dissociation of Cortical and Subcortical Network Development in Children with New Onset Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy“, Epilepsia, 2018, Nov 59(11):2086-2095. [Paper]
Stevenson Zheng J, Mnatsakanyan, L, Vadera S, Knight RT, Jack J. Lin*, and Yassa MA*, “Hippocampal CA1 gamma power predicts the precision of spatial memory judgments“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2018 Oct 2;115(40):10148-10153 PubMed PMID: 30224452R. [Paper]
Saez I, Jack J. Lin, Stolk A, Chang E, Parvizi, J, Schalk G, and Knight RT, “Encoding of multiple computations in transient and sustained high-frequency activity in human OFC“, Current Biology 2018 Sep 24;28(18):2889-2899, PubMed PMID: 30220499. [Paper]
Helfrich RF, Fiebelkorn IC, Szczepanski SM, Jack J. Lin, Parvizi J, Knight RT, and Kastner S., “Neural Mechanisms of Sustained Attention Are Rhythmic“, Neuron. 2018 Aug 22;99(4):854-865.e5. PubMed PMID:30138591. [Paper]
Stolk A, Griffin SM, van der Meij R, Dewar C, Saez I, Jack J. Lin, Piantoni G, Schoffelen J, Knight RT, Oostenveld R “Integrated analysis of anatomical and electrophysiological human intracranial data“, Nature Protocols, 2018, Jul;13(7):1699-1723. PubMed PMID: 29988107. [Paper]
Vadera S, Chan AY, Mnatsankanyan L, Sazgar M, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin, Hsu FPK. “Strategic hospital partnerships: improved access to care and increased epilepsy surgical volume“, Neurosurg Focus. 2018 May;44(5):E9. PubMed PMID: 29712523 [Paper]
Young MG, Vadera S, Jack J. Lin, and Mnatsakanyan L. “Using electrocorticogram baseline seizure frequency to assess the efficacy of responsive neurostimulation“, Epilepsy Behavior. 2018 Aug;85:7-9. Epub 2018 Jun 8. [Paper]
Chan AY, Mnatsakanyan L, Sazgar M, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin, Hsu FPK, Vadera S., “Accuracy and Efficacy for Robotic Assistance in Implanting Responsive Neurostimulation Device Electrodes in Bilateral Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy“, Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2018 Mar 1;14(3):267- 272. [Paper]
Jackson DC, Jones JE, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Jack J. Lin, Almane D, Koehn MA, Seidenberg M, and Hermann BP., “Language function in childhood idiopathic epilepsy syndromes“, Brain and Language. 2018 Mar 30. pii: S0093-934X(16)30274-7. [Paper]
Johnson, EL, Adams, JN, Solbakk, A-K, Endestad T, Larsson PG, Jack J. Lin, and Knight, RT., “Dynamic frontotemporal systems for episodic working memory“, PLOS Biology, 2018 Mar 30;16(3):e2004274. [Paper]
Zheng J, and Jack J. Lin, “Modulating Amygdala-Hippocampal Network Communication: A Potential Therapy for Neuropsychiatric Disorders“, Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 Jan;43(1):218-219. [Paper]
Kam JWY, Szczepanski SM, Canolty RT, Flinker A, Auguste KI, Crone NE, Kirsch HE, Kuperman RA, Jack J. Lin, Parvizi J, and Knight RT., “Differential Sources for 2 Neural Signatures of Target Detection: An Electrocorticography Study“, Cerebral Cortex. 2018 Jan 1;28(1):9-20. [Paper]
Zheng J, and Jack J. Lin, “Modulating Amygdala-Hippocampal Network Communication: A Potential Therapy for Neuropsychiatric Disorders“, Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018 Jan;43(1):218-219. [Paper]
Kam JWY, Szczepanski SM, Canolty RT, Flinker A, Auguste KI, Crone NE, Kirsch HE, Kuperman RA, Jack J. Lin, Parvizi J, and Knight RT., “Differential Sources for 2 Neural Signatures of Target Detection: An Electrocorticography Study“, Cerebral Cortex. 2018 Jan 1;28(1):9-20. [Paper]
Holdgraf C.R., De Heer W., Pasley B., Rieger J., Crone N., Jack J. Lin, Knight RT, and Theunissen F., “Rapid tuning shifts in human auditory cortex enhances speech intelligibility“, Nature Communications Dec 2017:13654. [Paper]
Jafarpour A, Piai V, Jack J. Lin, and Knight RT., “Human hippocampal pre-activation predicts behavior“, Scientific Report, Jul 2017(1):5959. [Paper]
Mnatsakanyan L, Vadera S, Ingalls CW, Zheng J, Sazgar M, Hsu FP, and Jack J. Lin, “Language recovery after epilepsy surgery of the Broca’s area“, Epilepsy Behavior Case Rep. 2017 Jun 17;9:42-45. PubMed PMID: 29692970. [Paper]
Chan AY, Kharrat S, Lundeen K, Mnatsakanyan L, Sazgar M, Sen-Gupta I, Jack J. Lin, Hsu FPK, and Vadera S., “Length of stay for patients undergoing invasive electrode monitoring with stereoelectroencephalography and subdural grids correlates positively with increased institutional profitability“, Epilepsia. 2017 Jun;58(6):1023-1026. PubMed PMID:28426130. [Paper]
Riès SK, Dhillon RK, Clarke A, King-Stephens D, Laxer KD, Weber PB, Kuperman RA, Auguste KI, Brunner P, Schalk G, Jack J. Lin, Parvizi J, Crone NE, Dronkers NF, Knight RT., “Spatiotemporal dynamics of word retrieval in speech production revealed by cortical high-frequency band activity“,Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2017 Jun 6;114(23):E4530-E4538. [Paper]
Zheng J, Anderson KL, Leal, SL, Shestyuk, A, Gulsen G, Mnatsakanyan, L, Vadera S, Hsu FPK, Yassa MA, Knight RT, and Jack J. Lin, “Amygdala-hippocampal dynamics during salient information processing“, Nature Communications (2017) Feb 8;8:14413. [Paper]
Perry A, Stiso J, Chang EF, Jack J. Lin, Parvizi J, and Knight RT., “Mirroring in the human brain: Deciphering the spatial-temporal patterns of the human mirror neuron system“, Cerebral Cortex, Jan 30, 2017. [Paper]
2016 and Prior —–
Garcia-Ramos C, Jack J. Lin, Bonilha L, Jones JE, Jackson DC, Prabhakaran V, and Hermann BP., “Disruptions in cortico-subcortical covariance networks associate with anxiety in new-onset childhood epilepsy“, Neuroimage Clinical 2016 Oct 23;12:815-824. [Paper]
Piai V, Anderson KL, Jack J. Lin, Dewar C, Parvizi J, Dronkers, NF, and Knight RT., “A key role for the hippocampus in language processing: evidence from intracranial neurophysiology“, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2016) Oct 4;113(40):11366-11371. [Paper]
Garcia-Ramos C, Jack J. Lin, Kellermann TS, Bonilha L, Prabhakaran V, Hermann BP., “Graph theory and cognition: A complementary avenue for examining neuropsychological status in epilepsy“, Epilepsy Behavior. 2016 Nov;64(Pt B):329-335. [Paper]
Caplan R, Mefford H, Berl M, Chang B,Jack J. Lin, Mazarati A, Fureman B, Dingledine R; American Epilepsy Society (AES)/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Epilepsy Benchmark Stewards, “Epilepsy Benchmarks Area I: Understanding the Causes of the Epilepsies and Epilepsy-Related Neurologic, Psychiatric, and Somatic Conditions“, Epilepsy Current. 2016 May-Jun;16(3):182-6. [Paper]
Kellermann TS, Bonilha L, Eskandari R, Garcia-Ramos C, Jack J. Lin, and Hermann BP., “Mapping the neuropsychological profile of temporal lobe epilepsy using cognitive network topology and graph theory“, Epilepsy and Behavior (2016) 63:9-16. [Paper]
Wang PT, King CE, McCrimmon CM, Jack J. Lin, Sazgar M, Hsu FP, Shaw SJ, Millet DE, Chui LA, Liu CY, Do AH, and Nenadic Z. “Comparison of decoding resolution of standard and high-density electrocorticogram electrodes“, J Neural Eng. (2016) 13:026016. Epub 2016 Feb 9. [Paper]
Veenstra A, Riley JD, Barrett LE, Muhonen MG, Zupanc ML, Romain JE, Jack J. Lin, and Mucci G., “The impact of bilingualism on working memory in pediatric epilepsy“, Epilepsy and Behavior (2016) 55:6-10. [Paper]
Garcia-Romos C, Jack J. Lin, Prabhakaran, V, Hermann BP., “Developmental reorganization of the cognitive network in pediatric epilepsy“, PLOS One (2015) 27;10(10):e0141186. [Paper]
Garcia-Romos C, Jackson DC, Jack J. Lin, Dabbs K, Jones JE, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Zawadzki L, Seidenberg M, Prabhakaran V, Hermann BP., “Cognition and brain development in children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes“, Epilepsia (2015) 56(10):1615-22. [Paper]
Bonilha L, Jensen JH, Baker N, Breedlove J, Nesland T, Jack J. Lin, Drane DL, Saindane AM, Binder JR, and Kuzniecky RI., “The brain connectome as a personalized biomarker of seizure outcomes after temporal lobectomy“, Neurology. (2015) 84(18):1846-53 PMID: 25854868. [Paper]
Riley JD, Fling BW, Cramer SC, and Jack J. Lin, “Altered organization of face-processing networks in temporal lobe epilepsy“, Epilepsia (2015) 56(5):762-71. [Paper]
Kellermann TS, Bonilha L, Jack J. Lin, and Hermann, BP., “Mapping the landscape of cognitive development in children with epilepsy“, Cortex (2015) 66:1-8. [Paper]
Jack J. Lin, Dabb K Riley JD, Jones JE, Jackson DC, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Seidenberg M, and Hermann BP., “Neurodevelopment in new-onset juvenile myoclonic epilepsy over the first 2 years“, Annals of Neurology (2014) 76(5):660-8. [Paper]
Flint RD, Wang PT, Wright ZA, King CE, Krucoff MO, Schuele SU, Rosenow JM, Hsu FP, Liu CY, Jack J. Lin, Sazgar M, Millett DE, Shaw SJ, Nenadic Z, Do AH, Slutzky MW., “Extracting kinetic information from human motor cortical signals“, Neuroimage. 2014;101:695-703. [Paper]
Jackson DC, Jack J. Lin*, Chambers KL, Kessler-Jones A, Jones JE, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Seidenberg M, and Hermann BP., “Birth weight and cognition in children with epilepsy“, Epilepsia (2014).) 55(6):901-8. [Paper]
Bonilha L, Tabesh A, Dabbs K, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Seidenberg M, Hermann BP, and Jack J. Lin, “Neurodevelopmental alterations of large-scale structural networks in children with new-onset epilepsy“, Human Brain Mapping, (2014) 35(8):3661-72. [Paper]
Addis L, Jack J. Lin, Pal DK, Hermann B, and Caplan R., “Imaging genetics of language and cognition in pediatric epilepsy“, Epilepsy and Behavior (2013) 26(3):303-312. [Paper]
Do AH, Wang PT, King CE, Schombs A, Sazgar M, Hsu FP, Jack J. Lin, Shaw SJ, Millett DE, Liu CY, Szymanska AA, Chui LA, and Nenadic Z. “Sensitivity and specificity of upper extremity movements decoded from electrocorticogram“, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013;2013:5618-21. [Paper]
Jack J. Lin, Siddarth P, Riley J, Gurbani SG, Ly R, Yee, VW, Lewitt J, Toga AW., and Caplan R., “Neurobehavioral comorbidities of pediatric epilepsies are linked to thalamic abnormalities“, Epilepsia (2013) 54(12):2116-24. [Paper]
Jack J. Lin,, Mula M, and Hermann BP., “Uncovering the neurobehavioural comorbidities of epilepsy over the lifespan“, The Lancet, (2012) 29:1180-92. [Paper]
. Jack J. Lin, Riley JD, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Dabb K, Becker T, Seidenberg M, and Hermann BP., “Striatal Hypertrophy and Its Cognitive Effects in New Onset Benign Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes“, Epilepsia, (2012), 53(4):677-85. [Paper]
Bell B, Jack J. Lin,*, Seidenberg M, Hermann BP., “The neurobiology of cognitive disorders in temporal lobe epilepsy“, Nature Reviews Neurology, (2011) 7:154-164. [Paper]
Kemmotsu N, Girard HM, Bernhardt BC, Bonilha L, Jack J. Lin, Tecoma ES, Iragui VJ, Halgren E, Dale AM, McDonald CR., “MRI Analysis in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Cortical Thinning and White Matter Disruptions Are Related to Side of Seizure Onset“, Epilepsia, (2011), 52(12), [Paper]
Jackson DC, Irwin W, Dabbs K, Jack J. Lin, Jones JE, Hsu DA, Stafstrom CE, Seidenberg, M, and Hermann, BP., “Ventricular Enlargement in New Onset Pediatric Epilepsie“, Epilepsia, (2011), 52(12): 2225-32. [Paper]
Riley JD, Moore S, Cramer SC, Jack J. Lin, “Caudate atrophy and impaired frontostriatal network is linked to executive dysfunction in temporal lobe epilepsy“, Epilepsy and Behavior (2011), 21(1): 80-7. [Paper]
Riley JD, Franklin DL, Choi V, Kim RC, Binder DK, Cramer SC, and *Jack J. Lin,”Altered white matter integrity in temporal lobe epilepsy: association with cognitive and clinical profiles“, Epilepsia (2010), 51(4): 536-45. [Paper]
Hermann BP, Jack J. Lin, Jones, JE, Seidenberg, M., “The emerging architecture of neuropsychological impairment in epilepsy“, Neurologic Clinic, (2009) 27: 881-907. [Paper]
Ogren JA, Bragin A, Wilson CL, Hoftman, GD, Jack J. Lin, Dutton RA, Fields TA, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Engel J, Jr., and Staba, RJ., “Three-Dimensional Hippocampal Atrophy Maps Distinguish Two Common Temporal Lobe Seizure Onset Patterns“, Epilepsia (2009) 50: 1361-1367. [Paper]
*. Jack J. Lin, Salamon N, Dutton RA, Lee AD, Geaga JA, Hayashi KM, Toga AW, Engel J, Jr., and Thompson PM., “Three-dimensional preoperative maps of hippocampal atrophy predict surgical outcomes in temporal lobe epilepsy“, Neurology , (2005) 65: 1094–1097. [Paper]
Ogren, JA, Wilson, CL, Bragin A, Jack J. Lin, Salamon N, Dutton, RA, Luders, E, Fields, FA, Fried I, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Engel, J, Jr., Statba, RJ., “Three-Dimensional Surface Maps Link Local Atrophy and Fast Ripples in Human Epileptic Hippocampus“, Annals of Neurology, (2009) 66: 783-791. [Paper]
*. Jack J. Lin, Riley JD, Juranek J, Cramer SC., “Vulnerability of the frontal-temporal connections in temporal lobe epilepsy“, Epilepsy Research, (2008) 82: 162-170. [Paper]
Jack J. Lin, Salamon N, Dutton RA, Lee AD, Geaga JA, Hayashi KM, Luders E, Toga AW, Engel J, Jr., and Thompson PM, “Reduced cortical thickness and complexity mapped in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis“, Cerebral Cortex, (2007) 17: 2007- 2018. [Paper]